Welcome to our site


Picture of Elina Rajuvaara
Elina Rajuvaara

Perustaja, älykkään automaation asiantuntija

Picture of Riku Holopainen
Riku Holopainen

Perustaja, älykkään automaation asiantuntija

Welcome to read our news and other current topics from the field of intelligent automation!

Alvoration Oy is a company founded by two intelligent automation experts, Elina and Riku.  

We specialize in software robotics (RPA) and intelligent automation technologies that offer excellent tools for making processes more efficient. Our mission is to bring intelligent automation technologies accessible to companies that want to increase efficiency and productivity, but above all, to increase understanding and know-how within the company related to these topics. 

On this page, we publish news, stories and experiences from our recent projects, comment on current events in the intelligent automation market, and produce interesting content together with other experts in the field. 

We look forward to collaborating and having interesting discussions with our customers and readers.  

Thanks for reading our first post! If you want to discuss further, you can easily contact us using the contact form. 

Winter greetings, 

Riku & Elina 

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Ensiaskeleet automaatioratkaisun toteuttamiseen

Ohjelmistorobotin hankkiminen ja suunnittelu voi tuntua haastavalta, erityisesti jos olet tekemässä sitä ensimmäistä kertaa. Väitän kuitenkin, että sinun ei tarvitse olla automaation asiantuntija, jotta voisit ottaa automaatiota käyttöön.
